AWS Lambda vs Azure Functions

October 05, 2021

AWS Lambda vs Azure Functions

If you're thinking about utilizing serverless computing, then chances are that AWS Lambda and Azure Functions are two primary systems you might have heard of. Both are cloud computing services that enable developers to run code without the need for infrastructure management. But which service works better for you? This blog post provides a factual and unbiased comparison of the two services, with a particular focus on user experience.

Ease of Use

Let's start with ease of use. When it comes to user experience, having an intuitive and easy-to-use interface is a must-have. At first glance, AWS Lambda has a steeper learning curve than Azure Functions. Their interface requires developers to have some familiarity with the command-line interface (CLI) to navigate through the system. In contrast, Azure Functions have a simpler user interface, making it easier for developers to get started.

However, once you get past that little learning curve, AWS Lambda offers an abundance of features that are both advanced and highly customizable. So despite the initial challenges, AWS Lambda can ultimately offer a more comfortable, streamlined experience.


In terms of pricing, both services follow a pay-as-you-go model. AWS Lambda charges for the number of requests and duration that code runs, with a minimum charge of 100ms per request. In contrast, Azure Functions run on a per-second billing model, but this model can be a little more complicated to understand in detail. If you're looking to save costs, we suggest going with the one that aligns better with your workload.

According to our comparison, for highly concurrent workloads of less than 50ms, Azure Functions prove to be cost-effective. Alternatively, when it comes to sustained high-throughput workloads, AWS Lambda services tend to be the better choice.


When it comes to scalability, both AWS Lambda and Azure Functions offer auto-scaling capabilities. However, AWS Lambda allows developers to have finer control over the configuration. For example, they offer Provisioned Concurrency, allowing for the allocation of resources as per your liking. On the other hand, Azure Functions offer multiple scaling modes, including Consumption and Premium.

As for cold start times, AWS Lambda instances are generally faster, especially when Provisioned Concurrency is used. That being said, Azure Functions have announced some improvements that may help them catch up in the future.


Both AWS Lambda and Azure Functions offer unique sets of features that cater to different needs. For user experience, Azure Functions have an edge due to their more straightforward interface. AWS Lambda, on the other hand, provides a more customizable experience, making it more suitable for advanced users. When it comes to pricing, it depends on your workload, and for scalability, both services provide auto-scaling capabilities.

Ultimately, the choice between the two services depends on your specific use case. We recommend taking into account your workloads' demands and the skills of your development team before making a decision.


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